Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Attention: A male should protect his kidney as a habit since small

A male kidney is as important as a heart. However, a different lifestyle and poor diet will destroy the kidney. This is normally ignored by people. There are a lot of medicines used by people to improve their health of the kidney. The important thing is to change their lifestyle and diet in order to protect the kidney.

Like to drink alcohol

If you have the kidney disease and still love to drink alcohol uncontrolled, it will cause the deposition of uric acid renal obstruction which will result to kidney failure.

The solution: during the blood checking, if you found out that your kidney got some problem, this will indicate that your kidney may destroy. Urine examination will be a faster and easier way to know about your kidney healthiness. So it is advisable to do the urine examination regularly.

Do not like to drink water

Most of the man do not like to drink water and even do not think that it is important. This may cause significant harm to the body if less of water. Our body metabolic waste mainly is handled by liver and kidney. The kidney is only 1% of our body weight but have to accept the body quarter of cardiac output. There will be one to two liter of blood pass through the kidney. Therefore, the kidney has to accept much more waste compare to the other part of the organs. The kidney is an important mediator responsible in control our body water and electrolyte balance, metabolic the waste from our physical activity and output from the urine. During this process, our body needs a lot of water to help the metabolism.

The solution: Drink lots of water as a habit can help to dilute the urine and help it to excrete rapidly. It will help to prevent stone. It will also dilute the urine during having too much salt.

Inappropriate having vegetables and fruits

This is a general concept to have more vegetables and fruits to improve our health. Vegetables and fruits have a lot of potassium which will help in lower the high pressure naturally. However, for the chronic renal dysfunction patient, long time of consumption will destroy their kidney. This is also not good for the people who has poor kidney. The potassium will burden the kidney function during metabolism.

The solution: the patient who has chronic renal dysfunction should pay more attention on the diet during consumption of vegetables and fruits in order to protect the kidney. They should avoid having strong vegetables and fruits juice, hot pot sup and vegetables soup. They should choose to have appropriate and light meal every day.

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