Traditional Chinese Medicine theory believes that people hand grip strength is related closely with liver healthy. 中医理论认为,人手的握力与肝经有重要关系。
A funny phenomenon discovers that everyone in this world, no matter he or she is rich, poor, a beggar or a nobility, when they first come to this world, they are holding their fist. However, when the time they leave this world, they will open their hands. 先讲一个有趣的现象。天下的人无论富贵贫贱,出生和死去的时候都有一个共同的象,就是都是攥着拳头来的,撒开手去的。
Why every baby in this world is holding their fist when they gave birth. A Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, “Huang Di Nei Jing”《黄帝内经》, said that the livers will determine the soul of a person. If the liver is stronger, a person body will be healthy. This can be described as an oil lamp. The lamp is brighter if the oil is full enough. A baby who is just gave birth, the skull is not stronger. It is believed that the skull is the place of a person soul out and in. A baby holds the fist means that he or she is holding the soul. Taoism believed that the root of ring finger is related to the liver. Therefore, when the baby holds the hand, the thumb is pinch on the root of the ring finger. This is why every baby will hold their fist as they need to hold their soul to ensure the health of the liver. 那么为什么小孩子一出生都这样握拳呢?《黄帝内经》里五脏与五神的对应关系中,肝所对应的神明是魂。中医认为,肝气特别足的话,人的魂就特别足。就好比油灯一样,假如油特别足,光亮就会特别亮,这个光亮就是神明。小孩子刚出生的时候头顶的囟(xìn)门未合,而囟门被认为是魂出入之所,所以小孩子出生时的握固法就是在固住魂。道家认为,无名指的指根处为肝的风窍,所以握固法为大拇指掐在无名指的指根处,小孩子刚出生时这么握得非常紧,这是因为人出生时肝气特别足,同时要固住魂魄。
When people die, they will open their hands. This means that they free their soul out from their hand. Their liver is getting weak and they could not hold their hand anymore. 人死的时候也有一个共同的象,就是撒手而去。这个象暗示给我们一个重要道理,人在死亡的瞬间,肝魂散掉了,两只手再也固不住了,一撒手,握力和肝气都随魂而去了。
In conclusion, a person gave birth and dead is related to the liver. Liver is very important in Traditional Chinese Medicines. 这么说来,人的出生和人的死亡都和肝气的生发之机有着很大的关系。肝在中医里面属于厥阴之性,有生发的能力和条达之性,同时这个生发也一定要能够收敛得住。所以中医在描述肝的木性的时候,取“曲直”两个字,“曲”就是它的收敛性,“直”就是它的条达性。所以中国传统文化看待事物的方法是很辨证的。
If we want to be longevity, we must always exercise our grip on hand. 如果我们要想长寿,应该经常锻炼手的握力。
Knocking the Ten Fingers十指相敲法
Knocking the fingers is another good exercise. When we are using our fingers to knock each finger, it will improve our fingers flexibility. It is also good for our liver and brain. A girl who is always feels cold on hand and feet should always practice this exercise. It can improve our circulation through the hand till the feet. 十指相敲法是种很好的锻炼方法,就是让我们双手的十指相对,互相敲击。这种方法很锻炼手指上的井穴,既锻炼了手的灵活性,也练了肝气,对我们大脑的养生也十分有好处。手脚冰凉的女孩儿一定要经常十指相敲,这样,血脉可以通到四肢末梢。
Rubbing Walnut揉核桃法
We should exercise our fingers every day. On the past, the elders got a good exercise for the fingers. They use two pieces of walnuts on the hand to rub it. This method will help to exercise every finger. It is just like “Tai Chi”, “太极” in Chinese when we are using the walnuts in the hands to do exercises. 日常生活中我们没事时要多活动手指。过去老人们有个很好的锻炼方法——揉核桃,就是把两个核桃放在手心里,揉来揉去的,这种方法可以很好地活动到每根手指,而且核桃在手心当中正好形成了一个太极之象,所以也叫做太极球。
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