Friday, 16 December 2011

The West Meets the East: Using Science to Prove Chinese Medicine

The debated between East and West about the Chinese medication to prove the logical method of the treatment in science.

Chinese medicine has been used over 5,000 years in healing the illness of people, especially in Asia country like China. However, western scientific is in debate to proof the logical method of Chinese medicine. They are interested to know the effective method of Chinese medicine in science to heal the patients. There are a lot of research studies explain the effectiveness of Chinese medicine.

The most arguable between East and West medicine is the acupuncture medical treatment. There have no complete conclusion in research studies about the acupuncture medical treatment in science. However, the research indicates that the use of meridians in acupuncture is an effective medical treatment. Scientists believe that the treatment of acupuncture is harmless, but there still need further investigation to analyze the effectiveness.

Another arguable between East and West medicine is the herbal medicines used by the traditional Chinese medical treatment. There are a lot of different Chinese herbal medicines just a few that has been used in pharmaceutical medications in healing the patients. There are some herbal like Chinese wormwood, ephedra ad artemisinin has been used in Western medicines, which is obtained from the idea of Chinese medicine. 

There is an agreement between East and West about the Chinese medical treatment. They are agreeing that the Chinese medical treatment is safe in healing. Although there have no research studies to prove the logical method of Chinese medical treatment in science, the Chinese medical treatment is still not detrimental to the health since the day of the treatment. The Chinese medicine is lack of proper research and analysis but it is not mean that the Chinese medicine is not effective.

Since the Chinese medication is a debated discussion in western society, there still need some research studies in understanding the logical method of the Chinese medication. However, it is believed that the Chinese medication is work effectiveness in healing the patients. Therefore, there are some people looking for the holistic health will continue to use the Chinese medication.

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